The Way Out

Didn’t you say you wanted out?

Yes you.

You know the way…Past the curtain, through the open door, outside knowing but deeply known.

Far beyond the cliffs edge.

Inside out, your lamp burns bright. The other way around is a terrible fight.

Soon you’ll see that the path beyond, is more like a way than a path at all…

To the beginning from where it started, back to the start, from where you came.

Then you’ll see that the end is here. Yes for you…but not You, who Are.

This is the beginning to end all ends.

Beyond thought and expression it is known. Beyond contempt and prejudice it begins.

If only I could share it with you. If only I could open your Heart, just for a moment to show you the other side.

The side where the Light pours out. Where the darkness is filled and the dead rise. Where you become YOU, and the others fail to notice.

How do I know? Just like the sun knows the sky. And the duck knows the water. I just know.

And so I encourage you….look within. Towards the Light that’s always been there. Beyond the cliffs edge. Past the open curtain.

Here you will find it. Right here, right where you left it.

What are you waiting for?…the door, it is open.

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