Love is Always The Answer (Emetophobia)

Love is the answer. Always. Anything else will fall short, I recently had a very intense experience. In my first (oldest) blog post you’ll see that it describes an experience of me facing my (emetophobia) fear of throwing up …and actually making myself throw up. Well, I need to clarify that I didn’t ACTUALLY throw up, I made my self gag, but didn’t really get anything out. At the time I thought this was essentially the same thing, and it felt like a MASSIVE accomplishment and like I had beaten the fear….overtime however I noticed this fear creep back into…

The Narrow Path

  Have you found something similar on your journey? Did you find another way? Where would you disagree? If nothing, how did you come to find this path? Or did it find you? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Love, Om

Have You Lost Your Flavour?

Salt. Vivid. Brilliant. Explosive Flavour. It was Christ who said: “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” Do you remember being a child, when life was vibrant, and the world shimmered around you? What happened? Have you lost your flavour? Why do you hide in the shadows? Hidden in your “golden prison”….Are you even in there? You have no idea how powerful you are. If only you hadn’t lost your flavour… You hear…

That Still Small Voice

A few months back, I sat in a Catholic church with a dear friend of mine, as the mass proceeded my thoughts kept saying “How can she believe this nonsense, doesn’t she see how ridiculous some of this stuff is…so much of this has nothing to do with God…How can I get her to see that she needs to leave this church and find the REAL God…” On and on my mind went…complaining and judging… And then…a still small voice entered my awareness:   “You don’t get what we’re doing here Om…Your job isn’t to convert people….Your job is to…


Have you ever wanted to just let it all hangout? Cast off your masks and truly stand naked before the world? I find it so interesting how one of the oldest stories in humanity is about eating some fruit and then being afraid of our own nakedness. What the hell is that about? Why nakedness? Why be afraid of being seen naked instead of being afraid of what we actually did which was ignore God’s warning not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of “good and evil”? Why did sin cause us to fear our own humanity? Nakedness.…

The Way Out

Didn’t you say you wanted out? Yes you. You know the way…Past the curtain, through the open door, outside knowing but deeply known. Far beyond the cliffs edge. Inside out, your lamp burns bright. The other way around is a terrible fight. Soon you’ll see that the path beyond, is more like a way than a path at all… To the beginning from where it started, back to the start, from where you came. Then you’ll see that the end is here. Yes for you…but not You, who Are. This is the beginning to end all ends. Beyond thought and…

Emetephobia, God and the Death of self.

You may be asking what the hell do the above three things have in common? Well, I’ll try to explain as best I can. I recently met with a wonderful friend of a friend, a man who has studied Taoism for his entire life, I guess you could call him a Taoist Master. Regardless of what you call him, he is a fascinating person. We had a wonderful conversation about many things, but the thing that stuck with me most from our conversation is that when I had asked him, “Is there one piece of advice you could give that…