That Still Small Voice

A few months back, I sat in a Catholic church with a dear friend of mine, as the mass proceeded my thoughts kept saying “How can she believe this nonsense, doesn’t she see how ridiculous some of this stuff is…so much of this has nothing to do with God…How can I get her to see that she needs to leave this church and find the REAL God…”

On and on my mind went…complaining and judging…

And then…a still small voice entered my awareness:


“You don’t get what we’re doing here Om…Your job isn’t to convert people….Your job is to help people on whatever path they’re on”.


I was completely struck, and overcome with such an immense sense of relief, sorrow, and joy all at the same time…I knew this voice was right….I fell to my knees, and thanked it for relieving me of my judgement and my believed responsibility to “wake her up”.

Dear Still Small Voice,

Help me to listen, even when I do not want to.

Help me to hear, even when I cannot.

Help me to trust you, even when I don’t.

Help me to know your voice, so I do not get lost.

Help me to remember who you are, especially when I have forgotten about you.

Thank you for being there when I need you.

Thank you for breaking through the buzzing of my insane thoughts.

Thank you for freeing me from my own judgement.

Thank you for showing me the way when I am lost.

Thank you for helping me overcome myself.

Thank you for patiently waiting when I do not listen.

Thank you for forgiving me when I reject you.

Thank you for never giving up on me.

Thank you for letting me go astray, so I can know what it’s like without you.

And most importantly, thank you for bringing all things to my rememberance.

Thank you Still Small Voice….

P.S. Sometimes I wish you were a little louder…you might’ve saved me out of a lot of trouble.

P.P.S. And Last but not least, thank you to all of you who helped me learn how to listen, you know who you are – and I am eternally grateful.

– Om

What about you?

Have you ever heard it?

Have you ever really listened?

Have you listened and truly been willing to hear the answer?

Are you afraid of what you might hear?

What if you believed this voice was actually there to help you?

What if this voice had wisdom beyond your comprehension?

What if…that if you trusted it, your life would transform into something so beautiful it would be unrecognizable?

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